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Karla Baptiste: inspiring Breast cancer survivor and advocate

By Akil Washington and Evan Nelson, Published October 16, 2024

In a recent interview on LikaVibe Radio, Karla Baptiste, a four-time breast cancer survivor, shared her remarkable journey and her ongoing efforts to raise awareness about breast cancer. Baptiste, an author and advocate, has been a beacon of hope and resilience for many.

Watch Full Interview of Da Morning Show and Karla Baptiste

A Journey of Resilience

Karla Baptiste’s battle with breast cancer began 17 years ago. Karla Baptiste’s battle with breast cancer began 17 years ago. “I am a four-time breast cancer survivor, and that is 17 years since October,” she shared. Her diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer, which spread to her spine, marked a challenging phase in her life. Despite the hardships, Baptiste emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. “Where your mind goes, your emotions go too. So it’s good to have a good mindset,” she advised.

Faith and Support

Baptiste highlighted the crucial role of faith and community support in her journey. “I don’t know how anyone would go through something like this without faith, without God, without prayer warriors,” she said. Her family and church community have been pillars of strength, providing unwavering support during her treatments.

Dig In Your Heels

Baptiste’s book, “Dig In Your Heels,” encapsulates her journey and the lessons she learned along the way. “To me, that means not giving in, like if you’re in a tug of war and something’s trying to pull you, you dig in your heels so that you don’t give up ground,” she explained. The book has been a source of inspiration for many, encouraging readers to stay resilient in the face of adversity.

Education and Advocacy

Baptiste’s educational journey is equally inspiring. She pursued graduate studies in Paris, a decision that was both bold and transformative. “I found a school that was taught in English and was an American accredited university. It was great business and pleasure,” she recalled. Her time in Paris not only enriched her academically but also fueled her passion for advocacy.

Raising Awareness

As Breast Cancer Awareness Month approaches, Baptiste continues to advocate for early detection and education. “Do your breast self-exams, mammograms if you’re 40 or over, and if you have dense breasts, make sure they do additional testing,” she urged. Her initiative, The Boobie Times, aims to keep the community informed about the latest breast cancer research and treatments.

Karla Baptiste’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and community. Her journey and advocacy continue to inspire and educate, making a significant impact in the fight against breast cancer.

Dig In Your Heels – The Glamours (And Not So Glamorous) Life of a Young Breast Cancer Survivor is available from the following locations:

1 Comment

  1. This was great interview, this Karla gives a passionate, Positive perspective on the journey of battling the bully called cancer. Teaching others to dig in their heels and be resilient while leaning on God & faith.
